ERDF projects 2014 – 2020
Discover here the projects supported by the European Union and the Brussels Capital Region within the framework of the ERDF Program 2014 – 2020.
You can also consult them on the project map.
The aim of the METROLAB project (MLB) is to set up an inter-university…
BBSM Project
The FEDER funded BBSM project brings 4 different partners…
The “Proximity Lab” project aims to improve the management…
Atrium Lab :
Living Smart Retail City
Development of a digital diagnostic…
The HAMSTER project aims to design, build and validate test equipment to…
Divers Eldery Care
The proportion of people over 65 in Brussels is 27%, and by 2020…
The aim of the project is to create a vegetable garden on the roof…
The main objective of the ICITY-RDI.BRU project portfolio is to capitalize…
Living Labs Brussels Retrofit
The FEDER project ‘Living Labs Brussels Retrofit’ aims to promote the…
The project aims to contribute to…
The project consists in creating a reception area for SMEs…
Dev’Up Team (FEBRAP)
The Dev’Up Team project aims to develop or diversify the activities of the
MAD’s TRIAXES programme is a unique working method developed…
The COOPCITY project aims to help make Brussels a “smart city”…
The project aims to create a new cultural, commercial and tourist hub…
ALIFE (Lifetech), RBC’s health cluster, is currently based on a model…
Manufakture – Abattoir SA
The project, called Manufakture, aims to improve the sustainable economic…
ONCO-TRA-BRU is a project to create a Brussels training…
The IRISPHERE programme, coordinated by…
BoerenBruxselPaysans is based on a vision that involves the transition…
With the public becoming increasingly aware of climate change…
The sustainable renovation of the swimming pool of the VUB…
The project aims at setting up a unified management platform at the…
Cycle Route
The project consists of the requalification of the North-South Cycle
Exemplary Container Park
The main objective of this project is to build a pilot container park, the…
Brussels Cruise Terminal
With a quay 240 meters long and 12 meters wide, the Brussels Cruise Terminal…
District nursery
” îlot Marchandises”
The project Crèche Marchandises…
Boitsfort Racecourse
The Hippodrome de Boitsfort project proposes a regional public vision…
The hall Libelco
The project consists of the creation of a public space, the Winter Garden…
District nursery “Altaïr”
The “Altaïr Crèche”, consists of the construction of a passive crèche of…
District nursery “Liverpool”
The “Liverpool Crèche” project includes the acquisition by…
The project called “Crèche of the CPAS Schaerbeek”, aims to…
District nursery “Ullens”
The project aims to create a Dutch speaking nursery of 72 new…
District nursery “Charbonnages”
The project includes the acquisition and construction of a french…
The project “Masui4Ever”, aims to ensure permanent place in the city…
Forest Abbey
The project called “Forest Abbey” aims to develop a multifunctional cultural…
De Vaartkapoen
The ERDF project aims to renovate and expand De Vaartkapoen…
VK Yallah creative experimental park
The project, “VK Yallah”, has a dual objective. The first objective is to…
The ‘Move it Kanal’ project is designed to strengthen social and…
CATII / Imal
The objective of the CASTII project is to consolidate IMAL… / FRAME
The future media center Frame…
Doctors of the world Belgium
Brussels has seen an increase over the last decade in the number of people…
The project of the Brussels University Hospital is an ambitious energy…
Financial instrument LOT1
Background: As part of the ERDF 2014-2020 programming, the…
Innovative R&D
The University Hospital of Brussels…
Teaching Equipment
The Modernization of the pedagogical equipment of the qualification…
Financial instrument LOT 2
Background: As part of the ERDF 2014-2020 programming, the…
Financial instrument LOT 3: Microcredit tool
As part of the ERDF 2014-2020 programming, the Brussels-Capital…
The Commune of Uccle currently has buildings located in various parts of…
Ecole centrale in Berchem -Saint -Agathe
The “Ecole centrale” project concerns the renovation of the boilers of…
Centre des Sports (Sports Center) des Chalets in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe
The “Centre des sports” project…
Renovation of the crematorium boiler room
The project provides for the renovation of the boiler room, distribution…
Community centre Elzenhof
“The optimization and renovation of the Elzenhof Community Centre…
School Center : Ma Campagne asbl
The Centre Scolaire de Ma Campagne consists of several buildings…
ALICIA- Institut Saint-André Ixelles
The project consists of renovating a site containing four buildings…
Energetic optimisation of building G (VUB campus Etterbeek)
building G on the VUB campus in Etterbeek, both education and…
Collège Saint-Hubert: Roof insulation work
The project consists of reducing the building’s energy losses by…
Renovation Campus de la plaine ULB / VUB
The project consists of : A complete renovation of the substations…
Brugmann University Hospital
The “Suniris” project consists of placing photovoltaic panels on the roofs…
Primary School Institute of the Ursulines
The project embraces the replacement of old fuel oil installations…